Amazing Benefits of cinnamon


The benefits of drinking just 3 grams of ground cinnamon mixed with milk will make you look younger than old


Cinnamon is sweet in taste but stinging on the tongue. Its colour is light black. It is mostly cultivated in India, Sri Lanka and China. It has different varieties. Which are slightly different from each other in terms of their size and colour.


Modern research has proven that apart from general diseases, cinnamon is also very beneficial for diabetic patients, for which regular consumption of just a few grams of cinnamon powder daily is sufficient. Cinnamon has a hot and dry taste and is great for flavouring foods. The food in which cinnamon is used becomes not only tasty but also fragrant. Using cinnamon in food is a guarantee that you will be healthy because it is very useful in many diseases.

One of its great but little-known benefits is that using it in food prevents food from spoiling. The reason is that its use reduces the growth of many types of bacteria in food. Prepare a paste by mixing a piece of cinnamon with a spoon of honey. Then apply it on the affected area. Cinnamon quickly fades away acne scars, and also inhibits bacterial growth and breakouts. Mix one spoon of cinnamon with one spoon of nutmeg and one spoon of honey. And apply this mixture on the affected area and wash it with lukewarm water after twenty minutes.

The ingredients in cinnamon help reduce shoulder and neck pain. Fill three-quarters of a stocking with white rice, two cinnamon sticks and a teaspoon of cloves. Heat it in the microwave for two minutes. Then spread around your neck. Now continue the process of heating the sock and placing it on the neck until the aroma of the spices disappears. Improves the digestive system. Cinnamon is an expectorant spice, meaning its chemical properties reduce gas and bloating in the stomach. Consume it through your diet. Or sucking a piece of it after eating improves the digestive system.

According to a study published last year in the medical journal General Nutrients, the antiseptic properties of cinnamon can also be used against tooth infections. While it is also used cosmetically to prevent early infection. Antioxidants fight against harmful substances inside our body. and inhibit the production of such molecules. Which are harmful to the body. Antioxidants present in cinnamon are beneficial for overall health. Indigestion of food, flatulence, fullness of breath or lack of appetite, in such a case three to five drops of powdered cinnamon mixed with sugar and given with lukewarm water is useful.

Applying a cotton swab dipped in cinnamon oil is useful. It cures toothache. Some people do not digest milk, people complain of gas and bad breath. If such people mix three grams of cinnamon in one litre of milk and drink it, then it will not only digest the milk but also increase the digestive power.


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